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  • Phillipa East

Strange Facility Found in the Wastes


On the morning of Galactic Day 160, a facility was uncovered by private power firm Myers Corporation, in the arctic surround of North Gulf City.

North Gulf, designated also Republic Habitat Sector 146, is located in the frozen north of Serendipity, the IPC’s first and most flourishing colony, settled in the Hjelle system. As is custom in the IPC, it falls under the jurisdiction of a governor, who in turn answers to the IPC executive committee.

The Myers Corporation made this statement about the facility they discovered:

‘While probing new territory for purchase, our analysts came across a small, box structure in the snow. They approached, unsure of its origin or indeed its permanence. Upon requesting armed backup, they investigated the interior to find it to be a holding facility of some kind. The facility contained cells large enough to hold most humanoids and rudimentary kitchen and bathroom facilities.’

This report has raised eyebrows. Whatever this mysterious facility may be, it is not registered with the district office, nor does it have and clear address. It is also without road connection, which would imply it may have off-planet traffic.

The governor’s office made this statement this morning:

‘The facility found by the Myers Corporation has not yet been proved to be an area for concern. Our bureaucrats are working diligently on procuring any known records of the building and we remain confident its existence will be benign.’

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