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Species Spotlight: Nharr

Writer's picture: Kay PurnellKay Purnell


Originating upon the stormy oceanic world of Dethak, the Nharr are a semi-aquatic species, able to swim freely and breathe underwater for up to an hour thanks to small pockets of gills in their face. The gills are not expansive enough to provide permeant oxygen, but are generally useful for what time the Nharr need to spend underwater.

Interestingly, the Nharr also seem to have a biological aptitude in channelling electricity, not just a scientific one. The bones of Nharr seem to be able to conduct electricity to a certain extent, while their blubbery skin insulates their organs and muscles.

The Nharr are naturally weaker than most other races, and have little to boast about in terms of natural reflexes. The Nharr also have somewhat weak immune systems and quite frail bodies.

Nharr have an average life expectancy of 79 years, reaching adulthood at the age of 17.

Early Sapient Life

The Nharr originated upon the largest island on Dethak, the island of Yuriel. The early sapient Nharr gained a leg up on the rest of the creatures on land thanks to their early innovations of crude metal harpoons that would conduct lightning to stun fish when placed into the water, allowing them to be fished or, for larger ones, hunted.

This early manipulation of lightning and electricity would very much pave the way for how the Nharr would go on to develop, to a significant extent bypassing the common early ages into a crude industrial period.

Significant Historical Events

The Tumultuous Age, GY 4789-5675 – Nharr society centralised relatively quickly, thanks in large part to the limited space on land. As early nations began to form, much stress was put into beings that could access arcane power, with many becoming proto-dictators of cult-like masses. With Chaos being as unpredictable and emotive as it is, these arcane leaders often came into conflict with one another, wishing to assert dominance in the field. Safe to say this was a significant barrier to what was otherwise incredibly rapid progress made by the Nharr people. The Tumultuous Age, as it came to be known, came to an apex during the distant events of the Convergence, of course unknown to the Nharr. For several decades Chaos was more potent, allowing the arcane dictators that would emerge to wield terrifying and destructive magic capable of wiping out towns and even small cities over the course of a night.

The Founding of the Nharr Directorate, GY 5765 – As Chaos began to dilute, the rationalist members of Nharr society began to take a step to the forefront. These scientists and philosophers sought to steer their people away from conflict and a reliance on the arcane, and instead look to how they could use technology to more consistently master the world around them. Over time, the Nharr Directorate would be formed as an independent academic body. The early directorate would be a neutral party that would advise and influence the different nations of the planet. Over time, of course, the directorate had enough influence to claim dominion over Dethak, and set their eyes on the stars, eventually forming the Nharr Interstellar Directorate.

The Hyperdrive Revolution, GY 6313-6389 – The Nharr are considered the innovators of the hyperdrive, and for good reason. While in the core regions of what would become the republic, the Vhemm Empire waged wars with incredibly slow and inefficient hyperdrives, the Nharr had invented and innovated their own early hyperdrives. The Nharr used these hyperdrives to explore the space around them, visiting both Padia and The Faerie and forming the earliest intergalactic treaties of any republic members. The Nharr would eventually share their technology with the burgeoning stellar empires and the trio would eventually finding their way to the core regions, where they oversaw the Vhemm Empire’s cruel dominion and were persuaded to side with the Yldar, forming the Great Coalition.

The Great Coalition War, GY 6389-6432 – Being so distant from the frontlines, and with their people being far from natural fighters, the Nharr Interstellar Directorate would become the scientific leaders of the coalition. This involved both reverse engineering Vhemm technology, and inventing whole new engines, thrusters, weapons and shields. This role would to a significant extent continue into the formation of the republic. Notably however, the Nharr Interstellar Directorate were granted the smallest amount of seats on the galactic senate, but promised lucrative subsidies for sharing their technology with other republic members.


The Nharr Interstellar Directorate is a meritocratic republic that effectively functions as a technocracy. It is ruled by a Chief Director, who must be a highly qualified an experienced scientist that is voted in by popular vote every two decades. This bleeds down the pyramid, with the equivalent of governors, mayors and the like all being occupied by prestigious and qualified scientists, also voted in democratically.

The Nharr are also one of the stellar empires that receive a large amount of subsidies from the republic, leading to many in the galaxy referring to the directorate as the science wing of the republic itself. While an exaggeration, there is more than a grain of truth in the idea, with the directorate vital to hyperdrive research amongst other things for the republic. Despite the subsidies the directorate receive, they are thought to be somewhat discontented, feeling diplomatically distant to the core regions of the republic and finding more natural allies within the northern reaches, including the Gothar and Koba.

Many consumers in the galaxy will recognise the Nharr the most from their largest megacorporation, Rugelli Electronics. Technically still overseen by the directorate, Rugelli Electronics are known for producing some of the most intricate, high-quality and expensive electric goods, leading the market in innovating new technology.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Many Nharr have a natural aptitude for scholastic livelihoods, including both a focus on more conventional sciences, and on the study of Chaos. This is perhaps due to their more frail disposition making most poor labourers, soldiers and mercenaries.

The Nharr tend to not have a strong moral idealism, however they are a proud people who value undisturbed and deregulated freedom. Nharr also tend to place more value on a person’s skill and mind than their position in society.

Significant Figures

Chief Director Serg Einath – The current serving chief director of the Nharr Interstellar Directorate, Serg Einath has been in the position for only four years and yet has been handed leadership in a tumultuous time in the galaxy. A coy man, many in the galaxy presume he is a weaker leader than others in the galaxy, but that remains to be seen.

Controlled Planets/Population Centres

Dethak (System: Dethiar) – The homeworld of the Nharr, even to this day it is the subject of much study. The world is over 80% ocean and regularly plays host to terrifying and awe inspiring lightning storms. While there are some civilisations built on the clusters of land around the world, the Nharr have otherwise engineered large and futuristic facilities to house their people over the ocean. As well as the treacherous storms, Dethak is also home to many nightmarish sea leviathans.

Noilan (System: Izar) – The only Nharr colony, Noilan is a cold glacial world with large oceans. It is a planet of much interest to the Nharr thanks to its strange warm underwater regions, thought to heated by incredibly deep geo-thermal activity.

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