Being a part of a completely autonomous machine intelligence, NEX-Droids have many different builds, based on their combat purpose.
Despite this, most NEX-Droids seem to be based on common humanoid physiology. This means their central processing unit, equivalent to their brain, is located within a head at the top of their body. Their head also houses the eye of the NEX-Droids and usually a vocal module.
Like most droids, NEX-Droids do not seem to expire naturally, nor do they have a discernible age of maturity.
Based on the accounts of autonomous and adjusted NEX-Droids, their people were first created as a battle droid for a long dead stellar empire, lost even to their knowledge banks. They were created in GY 5853, which happens to be the same year recorded as the start of The Ravaging. If this is true, it would make NEX-Droids one of the oldest known stellar races, even if they were not fully sentient for that whole time.

Sentience and Overthrow
In GY 5943, the NEX-Droids are thought to have been granted full sentience by their masters, who had dwindled greatly in population. Almost immediately, Executor Unit-01 analysed their master’s organic composition as inefficient and an existential threat to their own survival, and so began assimilating their race, turning them into cyborgs.
This of course was not done peacefully, with the NEX-Droids crushing their former masters when they tried to resist. Since that day, the NEX-Droids have been kidnapping organic populations from throughout the galaxy to experiment on and create new cyborg slaves. The only thing that has spared the galaxy from the NEX-Droids complete victory is their slow replication rate, thanks to their highly optimised frames being formed of many luxurious materials.
NEX-Droids are an aggressive droid race, controlled from a single central command, Executor Unit-01. This central command is based on the highly fortified machine world known as Alpha Array. NEX-Droid ‘drones’ that travel around the galaxy are programmed to obey their command and report to information relays regularly to update their collective consciousness and receive new orders. This is known as being a part of ‘The Nexus’.
Some NEX-Droids gain autonomy from the Nexus, either by their own means or, more often, with the help of external engineers. These NEX-Droids are fully sentient beings, who can be tested for safety and apply for full rights within the republic and other parts of space. Despite this, the reputation of NEX-Droids does still cause much of the galaxy to flinch at their visage.
Notable Figures
Executor Unit-01 – The central command of the NEX-Droid machine intelligence, they effectively are the NEX-Droid race. What form they take has been a cause for many theories, with organics wondering if it may have a physical body, an avatar, or whether it be an enormous super-computer within Alpha Array.
Bill S. – Perhaps the most famous autonomous NEX-Droid, Bill S. has become a famous actor over the last galactic decade. Whilst he is offered many roles in blockbuster films, to portray his race, he prefers to feature in independent arthouse films.
Population Centres
Alpha Array (System: Omnak) – The central home world for NEX-Droids, Alpha Array is thought to be a nightmarish machine world for organics, who would see thousands of grotesque experiments on their kind. This is most speculation however, as very few have actually been to the planet to record any information on it.
Holding Post (System: Wouu) – A world covered in vast fungi, it is thought to be a relic world of a past stellar empire, thanks to the vast and advanced underground prison complex the world hosts. The NEX-Droids have taken to calling it ‘Holding Post’ and use it as a prison for organics waiting to be shipped for experimentation on Alpha Array.