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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Model-19s


Model-19 are a race of sentient robots, once created as a joint effort of the Galactic High Republic as servants, and later granted full rights.

Model-19s are based on common humanoid physiology. This means their central processing unit, equivalent to their brain, is located without the large round plate that forms their head. Their head also houses the eye of the Model-19 and a vocal module.

Model-19s were made with a focus on their technological proficiency, with many finding jobs as excellent data analysts and in tech support. Much of the latest high-end hardware was first used in the assembly of Model-19s. The most notable ability Model-19s make use of with this is the ability to interface with terminals they interact with, allowing them to access more data than they otherwise would.

Like most droids, Model-19s do not seem to expire naturally, nor do they have a discernible age of maturity.


The very first Model-1s were created in GY 6486, by a coalition of the leading scientists and engineers of the new Galactic High Republic. As generations went by, the Model-1s were refined and reprogrammed until the eventual Model-19 design was perfected.

Citizen Rights

In GY 6889, the Model-19s were granted full citizen rights, including, most boldly, the ability for Model-19s to control their own space, where they could assemble more of their own kind. Such a move was seen as highly risky by many in the Galactic High Republic, especially having seen the nature of a robotic race like the NEX-Droids. Any sign of similar development has never been seen by the mostly peaceful Model-19s


Model-19s own a cluster a space around the star system EN-14421, witin which their home world, named simply ‘Main Facility’, sits. The Model-19 Confluence, as they came to name themselves is very weak politically, economically and militarily. They mainly focus on maintaining their sovereignty and rights within the republic. In highly contentious matters, they tend to be neutral. In a famous speech to senate, one Gothar senator once claimed the Model-19 were ‘morally absent’.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Mode-19s tend to be pacifist, perhaps more due to their natural lack of combat efficiency, more so than any strong moral foundation.

Due to their potentially high lifespans, many older Model-19s develop a laissez-faire attitude, content to enjoy a slow and lazy life. Some younger Model-19s however do gain a sense of adventure, wishing to travel out and see everything the galaxy has to offer.

Population Centres

Main Facility (System: EN-14421) – Despite being the homeworld of the Model-19s, it is not the only factory producing the droids. Also, despite it being a natural convergence point for their race, very few Model-19s choose to take up residence there, many preferring to live amongst organics on planets like Caesium, Koros or Padia.

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