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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Koba


A highly adaptable people, Koba spent much of their pre-stellar history under the absolute thumb of the Yldar, who they share their homeworld of Koros with. The Yldar, as a mono-gendered male species, would take Koba women as wives and concubines in the hope of continuing their Yldar line. Over the years, thanks to what was effectively selective breeding, the Koba population became dominantly female.

After the entry of both the Yldar and Koba to the galactic community however, the Yldari reliance on the Koba was eased, as they interbred with other species and began to use genetic-breeding methods. Since then, the Koba population has begun to gradually normalise, though it is still a roughly 60/40 split between female and male.

Biologically, Koba are very similar to humans, though tend to possess a little less muscle mass. Koba also tend to have a bone ridge running from above their eyes to their crown. It is not entirely known what this ridge was used for, though it is thought it may have been for them to use their heads as weapons during pre-sapient development.

Finally, Koba cannot grow hair, never having an evolutionary need to. Despite this, many Koba do artificially augment themselves as they wish, with many adopting stylish hairstyles.

Koba have average life spans of 82 stellar years and reach adulthood at the age of 18.

Early Sapient Life

For the Koba, prehistoric dig sites upon Koros suggested their early sapient life was spent being psionically controlled by early Yldar. Very little is known about what would presumably have been early hunter-gatherer societies otherwise.

Significant Historical Events

Dominance of the Yldar and Kuata Qul, GY 0-1378 - The ancient empire of Kuata Qul was an advanced early empire that held the largest continent on Koros under its control, with evidence the empire even had colonies around other continents. The dominant empire was ruled solely by the Yldar, taking Koba as slaves. Eventually, the empire fell after a series of devastating climate disasters drastically reduced Yldari numbers, in an event known as The Rending.

Establishiung a Koba Foothold, GY 2890-4150 - After The Rending, a great dark age fell over Koros. Centralised city living became rare and methods of producing mass quantities of food, such as farming, could not be used until the land became less toxic. Because of this, rural hunter-gatherer societies became the norm once more. During this great dark age the population of Yldar fell to numbers near extinction, becoming greatly outnumbered by the Koba peoples they had been dominating for years. After this period, the Yldar tried to work with the Koba on more equal footing, although, as has become a trend, the Yldar always seemed to hold the true power.

Effects of the Great Coalition War, GY 6389-6432 – During the well documented events of the Great Coalition War, the Koba’s independence only grew. With new galactic races all fighting against the hegemony of the Vhemm Empire, the Yldar could not afford to be transparently domineering to their syncretic species. By the founding of the Galactic High Republic, the Koba had managed to secure a position upon the galactic senate, a huge milestone for their people, who had never otherwise held an equal office to other sentient species.

Founding of the Koba Autonomy, GY 6789 – One of the newest Stellar Empires within the republic, the Koba Autonomy was founded through democratic process, with the retinal world of Panasu Prime as its capital. One of the largest recorded waves of migration followed the founding, with many Koba adopting Panasu Prime as their true home. Since its founding, the Koba Autonomy has been fiercely critical of the Yldar High Republic and extremely vigilant in regards to how their once overlords conduct themselves.

Alliance with the Free Nations of the Gothar, GY 6854 – In relative terms, it did not take long for the Koba to form a strong alliance with their neighbours, and other young stellar empire, the Gothar. The alliance is thought to be founded of the principals of egalitarianism and inter-species equality. Whatever its foundation, the alliance is one of the most secure in the galaxy, and even on street level, Koba and Gothar often think well of one another.


The Koba Autonomy represents the foremost government of Koba interests. The autonomy is a completely democratic stellar empire, with elections of a President taking place every 10 years. Even non-Koba can run for presidency, and over the years there have been plenty of non-Koba presidents of the autonomy.

The position of President is responsible for most executive decision making, while matters in the galactic senate are more directly controlled by the ‘Prime Senator’. Likewise, external colonies are assigned ‘Grand Governors’, who oversee regional affairs. The capital world of Panasu Prime is overseen more directly by the President.

Shared Values/Beliefs

The Koba peoples are generally highly idealistic, putting great value on individual freedoms and on the democratic process. Their elections regularly see some of the largest turnouts in the galaxy and their population centres rank highly on the quality of life index.

The Koba also tend to be very savvy, both politically and scientifically. The Koba have found themselves steadily increasing their influence within the galactic senate over the years, whilst many of their people at home study at high ranking academies and universities, finding themselves in prominent positions throughout the galaxy.

The Koba have publicly voiced their support of the Galactic Separatist Movement founded by the Gothar, the only stellar empire to formally do so.

Significant Figures

President Oji-Athe – The current President of the Koba Autonomy, they have served for 18 years, being highly well regarded and respected. With them stepping down at the next election, there is thought to be much pressure on whoever their successor is.

Prime Senator Etho-Inji – The current Prime Senator of the Koba Autonomy, he fiercely fights for Koba interests in very public forums. Some outside of the autonomy criticise him, saying he shallowly plays up for cameras, but he is well regarded within the autonomy.

Uma-Elga – A well-respected inventor, Uma-Elga has very recently established her own guild upon the planet of Caesium, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of modern technology.

Controlled Planets/Population Centres

Koros (System: Korinth) – the ancestral homeworld of the Koba. Koros is a bio-luminescent planet that still houses many Koba people upon its highly populated surface.

Panasu Prime (System: Panasu) – the new capital and adopted homeworld of the Koba, Panasu Prime is a retinal world that possesses a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. The planet possesses a distinct purple hue, thanks to its plant life being retinaldehyde-based, instead of chlorophyll based. The planet is seen as somewhat of a utopia, though naturally still has many of the issue that come with harbouring large populations, such as crime and slightly inflated living costs, though by no means as bad as territories within somewhere like the IPC.

Vi Sullug (System: Jesdros) – a relatively new colony, settled in GY 6998, Vi Sullug is still a developing world. One particularly notable feature it possess however are vast subterranean systems that house enormous lakes and wonderous ecosystems. The planet is thought of as a planet of natural beauty, despite its more rocky exterior.

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