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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Jibru

Updated: Apr 28, 2022


Jibru have distinctly different physiology to humanoid races. Described as a ‘fungoid’ race – their cells and anatomy are more akin the fungus based life.

Jibru are agender and asexual, reproducing similar to cell replication. A jibru wishing to reproduce must hibernate in a warm and wet environment, triggering chemical reactions within their bodies that duplicate their cells into a new fungal cluster. For two years, they must carry these cells safely upon their body, after which point the child’s own cells can self-duplicate and they can be raised and educated, maturing at the age of 12.

Jibru do not have recogniseable bones, instead they have a fungal flesh that can change to be taught and dense or soft and flexible, depending on the motor function the Jibru require. Their bodies naturally require warm and wet environments to not stiffen and become brittle, making life off-planet difficult. This has been remedied significantly by advances in science and cybernetic implants. Many modern Jibru fit their bodies with special exoskeletons that regulate the moisture levels and temperaturf their flesh.

Jibru naturally crawl, not dissimilar to lizards, however the aforementioned exoskeletons allow them to stand vertical and act as six limbed humanoids. Their limbs nonetheless can function as either arms or legs, thanks to their adaptive body.

Jibru speech is also wildly different. Jibru require air to be pushed through a canal before reaching a vibrating tendon in order to create sound. Their lack of lungs means they hold no air, so rely on external winds and breezes. This leads to their speech possessing a whistle, or even being akin to a wind instrument. It also means many Jibru are curt in their speech, with it being a more demanding activity than it is for many other species, or they find alternative ways to communicate, such as universal sign language. The one exception is when on their homeworld of Uri’dath. Strong winds blow on the planet and Jibru planetwide can regularly be heard signing beautiful melodies known as The Yuula.

Jibru have average life spans of 65 stellar years and reach adulthood at the age of 12.

Early Sapient Life

Early sapient life for the Jibru lasted for much of their species lifetime. A content species with a slow and isolated life cycle, the Jibru would reside in their home swamps without centralising and advancing through ages of civilisation.

Jibru would communicate and form life-partnerships with up to 5 or 6 others of their species, however rarely harboured hostility for one another. The swamps of Uri’dath provided them with bountiful nutrition and sustenance, while being sparsely populated with fauna or flora that threatened or desired to harm the Jibru.

Because of their relaxed and somewhat stagnant lives, many in the galactic community believed the Jibru were raised to a level of higher consciousness when joining the galactic community, however that is an unfair and prejudiced assumption.

Significant Historical Events

With the rise of the Vhemm Empire, slave raids became common throughout their nearby space. Sadly, this was taken to another extent with the Jibru. When the Vhemm Empire invaded their planets they enslaved almost 80% of their population, recognising their ability as menial workers thanks to their adaptive bodies and numerous limbs. (GY 5923)

After centuries of subjugation, the Great Coalition liberated Uri’dath and its surrounding systems, freeing a great deal of Jibru peoples in the process. The Jibru formed their own sovereignty, modelled after the republican systems shown by empires like the Yldar High Republic. The Jibru displayed great aptitude at understanding and using the technology and infrastructure that they had been working with under the Vhemm, as well as the technology introduced by the coalition forces. Over the years of the war, the Jibru quickly adapted to become a stable stellar empire in their own right. (GY 6401)


The Assembly of Jibru Suns contains two significant different governmental bodies. The first of these are the Traditionalists, responsible for decisions made within rural Jibru territory and responsible for upholding the nature around planets. Many leading traditionalists do not make use of modern exoskeletons and prefer to live lazily in the swamplands like their ancestors. The traditionalists elect a leader every 12 years.

The second body is the Technocrats, who are far more influential. The technocrats deal with city planning, research and development and everything off-planet. This means they are responsible for the navy, administering Jibru space and representing their people in the galactic senate. The technocrats have a Hall of Experts, who are the most skilled people of their species; every 6 years a Leading Executive is elected from their ranks.

Because of the severe difference in influence and workload of the two government bodies, most modern Jibru see the Traditionalists as an honorary body, with no real power.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Jibru can have a rift in beliefs, reflected in their governmental organisation. A small faction believe in naturalism and pacifism. A much larger faction invests their belief into technological pursuit and co-operation with other stellar empires.

There does seem to be underlying ideas of egalitarianism within most Jibru society, though it does not perhaps have the same political foundations as other nations. Jibru seem to be a much less communal species, and have a relaxed ‘live and let live’ approach to the organisation of peoples.

Significant Figures

Pho-Roo-Dahl – The current Leading Executive of the Technocrats, they are the most influential Jibru in the galaxy. Only a year into their term, they have proven to be interested in how technology could allow better use of the arcane for the Jibru people.

Yul-Yun-Uri – The current leader of the traditionalists, four years into their second term. They are 64 years old and a respected elder of those that listen to the old ways.

Controlled Planets/Population Centres

Uri’dath (System: Uraya) – The homeworld of the Jibru, it is a wide web of urbanised infrastructure mixed with large swathes of humid swampland.

Jurg’koon (System: Jurgel) – A unique world covered in boreal forests on its surface, but with vast volcanic caverns with jungle-like atmosphere. For many Jibru, these underground environments are like exotic spas.

Dahl’shuu (System: Dahlberg) – A tropical world with thousands of vast rivers that feed into an underground network teeming with life. Many like to house themselves by the underground lakes and rivers, leading to interesting infrastructure being constructed between them and the surface.

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