Given this article is going out to humans, there is little need to go into too much detail of our physiology.
Despite advancements in healthcare and cybernetic modding, Humans haveonly achieved average life spans of 89 stellar years. reaching adulthood at the age of 18.
Early Sapient Life
The early sapient life of humans was only discovered in the late 26th century (PPT), as global temperature rise saw the thawing of northern ice sheets.
It transpired that humans emerged from the chilly taiga of the Northern Forests and Great Northern Wastes on the continent of Atas. Simplistic tribal societies formed, some led by hereditary chiefs, others in systems more analogous to councils.
At this time, it was evident that a land bridge existed via the Great Northern Wastes, connecting Atas and Xiunan. Over the centuries, humans gradually pushed south into each continent to find warmer climates, where they began to form farming societies and from there, civilisation began to flourish.
Significant Historical Events
Founding of Plyon and the Classical Era, 168 PPT – When city of Plyon was formed on the southern coast of Atas, it marked the beginning of the Classical Era for the continent. Numerous city states emerged all over the continent, with the most notable two being Plyon, the largest of them all, and Harmonia, which would house a diverse population due to its free citizenship policies.
The First Abyssal Incursion and the Founding of the Xiu Dynasty, 331 PPT – The continent of Xiunan suffered its most significant disaster. Magical rifts were torn open in the north and demons of the abyss came pouring out. In time, it was learned that a human, Shin Taeyang, was the architect of this incursion, having sacrificed his three wives for the promise of demonic power. Shin Taeyang would become Hulmongr, the first human to become a Demon Prince.
The First Abyssal Incursion would end after a band of sworn protectors of the people, the Bohoja, lanced through the abyssal hordes to reach the heart of the rift. Most of the band perished to close the rift, with Tao Zexi being the lone survivor. Tao Zexi would go on to form a guild of protectors that would be vital in defending against further incursions.
The end of the First Abyssal Incursion also saw the crowning of the first Celestial Emperor, Lao Xiu, and the founding of the capital, Xiujing. The emperor united the disparate peoples of the continent and began construction of the great wall, while also giving the continent its name.
Further Abyssal Incursions, 361-568 PPT – Only 30 years after the First Abyssal Incursion came the second, then the third, fourth and fifth. For two centuries, the continent of Xiunan would be throw into constant chaos, the magical gateway first forged between Padia and the Abyss allowing new rifts to be easily opened. The Second Abyssal Incursion would be the bloodiest of the wars, lasting 40 uninterrupted years. Later incursions would gradually wane in strength, but would also see many humans crossing the rifts themselves and experiencing the Abyss. It is thought the earliest part-human Abyssal Tieflings originated from this time period. The Fifth Abyssal Incursion saw total severance of the magical gate that linked the two worlds, and thus also marked the end of the incursions.
Fall of the Xiu Dynasty and Rise of the Jing, 948-973 PPT – After over six centuries, the Xiu Dynasty saw a dramatic collapse in the 10th Century PPT. Over a century, the autonomous centralisation of other large cities on the continent saw a gradual decline in the Xiu powerbase. In 948 PPT, several cities rebelled and declared their independence. A long period of civil war followed, seeing Liao Jin, a descendant of a great warrior of the Fifth Abyssal Incursion, unite a great army under her name. She would eventually consolidate the cities of the empire, then march upon the capital of Xiujing. The Celestial Emperor surrendered his position on the promise his family would be treated well, leading to the future protection of all families of former Dynasties. In another custom that would come with the changing of dynasties, the capital was renamed to Jingjing.
The Age of the Dragon Princes, 1136-1535 PPT – On the continent of Atas, the Chromatic Dragons would found their own powerful kingdoms and name themselves Dragon Princes. While Metallic Dragons were present in the region, they struggled to build similar powerbases. The Dragon Princes would gain much influence over the city states of the continent, demanding regular tribute in exchange for guarantees of protection from the other princes.
This period came to a head in The End War, in which the red dragon Tyrai would try to conquer the world. He was met by a coalition of forces, led by the gold dragon Milineth. These forces eventually defeated Tyrai in a battle that would become known as ‘The Great Scar’. After suffering a severe wound, Tyrai would flee to the Desolate Isle, where he called upon the power of Tiamat to ignite the volcano it housed.
Age of Desolation, 1535-1641 PPT – After the eruption of the Desolate Isle, disasters spread across Atas, destroying many civilisations and seeing significant change to the geography of the continent. Most notably, the ash spewed from the volcano would block the sun for two weeks, while also causing great damage to the atmosphere. After the ash dissipated, the sun burned harsh on now dead grasslands, causing a gradual desertification of much of the continent over the next 17 years. From this time onwards, magic, which had been used sparingly by a blessed few, became a thing of myth and legend.
Age of Rebuilding, 1641-2096 PPT – In this period in Atas, enduring new cities were founded that would soon blossom into nations. The first, and most notable, was the founding of the city of Nerita at the centre of The Great Desert, on the banks of the River Süle.
Start of the Age of Heroes, 2096 PPT – The Age of Heroes begins as the Timeless Spring is opened and magic spills onto the continent of Atas. This age would arguably become the most important in the history of Padia, with Chaos becoming heightened and centralised around the planet, forming a symbiosis with the many great heroes that would make this era their own.
Convergence of Time and Space, 2122-2129 - Thanks to the meddling with time and space by a group of Tyrai’s disciples known as the Rashnak Order, multiple timelines became interwoven. This generated an effect of temporarily and gradually pulling Time and Space to a single spot, Padia. This caused absolute anarchy throughout the world, which was capitalised upon by various individuals and political parties. This included:
- Founding of the Neritan Empire – Sultan Osman I Ishesh founds the Neritan Empire after vassalizing the Republic of Nurahan. The Neritan Empire at its height would go on to hold territory across most of Atas, while also holding colonies in Xiunan, Cadronia and many of the islands within the Great Ocean.
- Collapse of the Zhou Dynasty and End of the Dynasty Period – In Xiunan, the assassination of the heirless Celestial Emperor Hwang Zhou saw the end of the Zhou dynasty, the fifth and final dynasty to hold the celestial crown. The continent as a whole also fell into ruin as its magical font was destroyed by a ravenous entity known as Kailus.
- Founding of the Sunkissed State – The Sunkissed State was formed by a combination of pirates and natives overthrowing the Atas Colonial Company. The state would go on to be a beacon of art, culture and acceptance, that guarded the rights of its people fiercely.
- Colonisation of Cadronia – Various parties would form fledgling nations upon the continent of Cadronia. The amount of ambitious adventures that made their way to the continent heralded what many referred to as a ‘Mini Age of Heroes’ for the next century.
The Convergence was eventually ended by a now infamous group of heroes, who had also had a hand in much of the events of the time period.
Founding of the Hall of Memories, 2131 PPT – The great scholar Demosthenes formed the Hall of Memories, a peerless institution that was a library, museum and research institute, all at once. At the Hall of Memories, people would be able to crystalise their memories, removing them and making them able to be experienced to any that touched the gem they that housed them. Over the centuries, branches of the Hall of Memories were formed all over the world and vast vaults would have to be created to store and catalogue the crystals. In modern times, crystalised memories are nicknamed ‘C-Mems’ and are still in wide use, however most are overseen by the Hall of Memories.
Discovery of the Faerie and migration, 2123-2205 PPT – A long dead arcane gateway between Padia and the Faerie was formed, connecting the two worlds. This also led to the rediscovery of the city of Harmonia, which had been transported to the Faerie after blood sacrifices to the gods before the eruption of the desolate isle. After the Convergence, many humans migrated between the two worlds, founding a shared history that would see the worlds of Padia and The Faerie become staunch allies once they found each other amongst the stars in the future. The arcane gateway was the first to be closed at the onset of The Celestial Wars.
Founding of Jin Empire, 2140 PPT – After the collapse of the Zhou dynasty, the nomadic horse-lords known as the ‘Mal’ would commit continuous raids across the cities of the continent. Eventually, a ‘Khan of Khans’ known as Pak Baturu would conquer and hold the entire continent. He married a Xiu princess and took the name Jin Hyeon, founding the Jin Empire. Not only a warrior, but a true great, Jin Hyeon would form a new language for the people of the continent, Jin, to create a pillar of a new unified Jin culture. He also renamed the capital to Jinkyo, a name that would persevere to this day. While the empire was weak after the ravaging suffered since the end of the Dynasty Period, Jin Hyeon’s reforms would build the foundations for the hegemony the continent would develop in time.
End of the Age of Heroes, 2205 PPT – Though not known by Padians of the time, the Age of Heroes came to an end with the onset of The Celestial Wars. The amplified Chaos on the planet quickly dissipated and only the heroes of old held the affinity to powerful magic and the mark of fate that Chaos granted. Magic did not completely disappear, nor did it change overnight, however it would become more and more diluted over time.
Age of Arcana, 2246-2420 PPT – Towards the end of the Age of Heroes, ‘The Charter’ was founded by a collection of entrepreneurial mage schools. The Charter would operate across the world and aimed to integrate magic into all parts of life. Bold arcane inventions would be created and implemented into daily life. Most importantly, runestones were imbued with spells and could be used by any who owned them. Over the Age of Arcana, the understanding of Chaos expanded and intellectual mages realised that this mass use of magic was actually diluting it. Even so, many inventions of the Age of Arcana persist to this day, such as Hologems and […]. This age would also see the fall of the Neritan Empire, in the 25th century, after its overextended and culturally unique territories gained independence from the outdated administration.
Age of Industry, 2420-2546 PPT – As the understanding of Chaos grew, many intellectuals sought to find new, mundane methods of transportation, power and the other boons offered by the magical inventions of the Age of Arcana. This shift in perspective and intellectual movement decried the unreliability of magic, as well as the hegemony it would give to those blessed in the arcane. This period saw the invention of cars, the railway, coal and oil powered machinery, the modernisation of kinetic firearms and artillery and the earliest recorded flights. It also saw the rise of capitalism in Xiunan, which would pave the road for the eventual formation of the IPC.
Padian Cyber Age, 2546-2678 PPT – The Padian Cyber Age saw first forays into stellar travel, including the launching of satellites and the construction of the first Padian space station. The age also saw the invention and implementation of the internet, which along with the advancement in commercial flight, saw the people of the world become more connected than ever. Whilst many nation states existed as democratic entities at this time, large trans-national corporations gained a tight grip of power and control.
Destruction of Nerita, 2678 PPT – At the height of the Padian Cyber Age, an unstable man named Keenan Drell became the most famous terrorist in the galaxy. Discovered to be a Chaos Born, a powerful individual spawned from primordial Chaos, Keenan Drell used an advanced understanding of technology and his mastery over Chaos to detonate an explosion that would destroy the city of Nerita. One single person has never displayed such a feat of destruction, with the death toll thought to be close to 9 million people, with double that number wounded. To make things even more sickening, no clear motive for the bombing has even been found, nor has any remains of the man that caused it. Thanks to his abilities as a Chaos Born, many in the galaxy fear he escaped the blast and will return to the galaxy to wreak yet more havoc.
The War for the World, 2678-2710 PPT – The destruction of Nerita left an enormous power vacuum not only in Atas, but throughout the entire world. Several nations across the globe clashed in the aftermath and soon a world war broke out. As the war took shape, three opposing sides could be discerned. The first was the Anchorage, a collection of coastal fascist dictatorships across Atas. The second was the Collectivists, an alliance of socialist states mainly located in Cadronia, but also in some areas of Atas. The Anchorage and the Collectivists were the first to clash as various Anchorage nations looked to seize Nerita and its surrounding territories, and the Collectivists intervened. The third major faction of the war would not join for a decade, that being the Pusan Corporation. The Pusan Corporation was the largest company in the world and funded both sides of the war for the first decade. In 2688, as the Collectivists gained a clear upper-hand in the war, the Pusan Corporation seized control of Xiunan and declared war upon both factions. Over the next two decades, what was almost a resolved dispute instead escalated into a war for complete hegemony of the world. Some historians criticise the Pusan Corporation for favouring the Anchorage after entering the war, not fighting a recorded battle against them for two years, instead weakening the Collectivists and allowing the Anchorage to restore strength and lay further waste to the Collectivists. The Anachorage fell in 2696 with the fall of Taiz, then the war was brought to a close in 2710 as the Pusan Corporation occupied the city of Apollania. The war touched all parts of the world but one, with the Sunkissed State opting to stay neutral and provide a haven for all those displaced by the war. After the war, the Pusan Corporation created satellite states around the world and renamed themselves the ‘Padia Corporation’.
Age of Recovery, 2710-2797 PPT – For almost the next century, the world went through a period of peace and recovery. The population of the world had taken a noticeable decline during the war and another two generations had to take up the mantle of what was left for them. In this period, much emphasis was put on rebuilding devastated cities, with the crowning glory of that being the formation of Neo-Nerita. By the end of the 28th century, stellar travel made a significant breakthrough, discovering the first hyperlanes and creating the first hyperdrive, marking an end of the age.
The Great Coalition War, 2847-2890 PPT – Almost half a century after Padia made its first strides into interstellar travel, the fledgling Interstellar Padia Corporation became a founding member of the Great Coalition and began their first interstellar war. The events of the Great Coalition War are well documented. The war also saw the embedding of the IPC trading hegemony within their allied territories, laying the foundation for the role the IPC would form within the Galactic High Republic.
Participation in The Ravenous Wars, 3212-3467 PPT – Unlike the Great Coalition War, the IPC found themselves far closer to the frontlines of the Ravenous Wars. This meant that, under pressure from other republic members, the stellar empire had to more directly deploy ground and naval forces in the fighting. This saw the formation of the IPC Trooper unit, highly trained soldiers equipped with fine weaponry and armour. After the war, IPC Trooper Divisions became decentralised squads that could be hired as private mercenaries, at obscenely high price.
Creation of the Hjelle Hyper Relay, 3346 PPT – During the Ravenous Wars, leading republic scientists found a way to use the long dead arcane gateway present in the Hjelle system, where the colony of Serendipity is located, to create a Hyper Relay. The Hyper Relay was the third of its kind made in the galaxy, the other two at the time being present in the Whanan system and capital Echos system. The Hyper Relays allowed large insulated vessels to travel at unstable hyper-speed between the relays. Even to this day, the Hyper Relays are still seen as a risk to use, with almost 7% of the ships that go through them being lost and presumed destroyed.
The Linberg Reforms, 3603 PPT – Only 11 Galactic Years ago, major reforms were passed proposed by the influential senator Charles Linberg. The reforms sought to position the IPC as a commercial backbone of the republic, that would be given guaranteed sanctuary in the event of any civil wars. These would allow the IPC to remain neutral and keep trading with any and all parties of a prospective war. The IPC, and Senator Linberg especially, used all their influence to pass the reforms. Many in the Galactic Senate have grow nervous since the reforms, given political tension brewing between the Gothar and the republic and the new position the IPC would have.
The IPC is a notorious web of bureaucracy, with the corporation overseeing and satelliting many nations and subsidiary corporations. It is often the case when travelling the galaxy that one would come across what they think to be an independent corporation or guild, only to find it to be truly under the thumb of the IPC.
Because of the vast network they control, the IPC is incredibly decentralised, making much of its administration of owned population centres controlled by governors, mayors and councils. This can lead to many regions having varying laws, economic specialisations and quality of life. Their expansive reach also allows many rumours and notable intelligence to trickle through, allowing the IPC to build vast espionage networks.
The IPC itself is run by a committee of tenured executives, with on Executive Chairperson elected from amongst them every 9 years. To join the Executive Committee, one must have served as a governor of a region or chairperson of an IPC subsidiary for at least 12 years. Governor and chairperson are both already hard ranks to acquire, often requiring political or commercial tenure, or familial connections. This stratified leadership makes it near impossible for one to rise from the lowest class to the ruling class, though the IPC are sure to idealise the concept and myth build around those extremely rare few that do climb the ranks of society.
Daily life in the IPC for an ‘ordinary’ person is often lamented as being soul-crushing, with many referring to IPC cities as dystopian. Money rules all in the IPC, and there is little regulation to protect the poorest in society. Underfunding of police services also results in high crime rates and a general apathy to obey laws, leading to powerful criminal syndicates taking root in many large population centres.
Shared Values/Beliefs
There are very few shared beliefs that most humans value, with many actually rebelling against whatever the political or cultural zeitgeist may be at the time.
One trend that can be found in all humans however is an interest in stories, and especially those legends that filled their own history. These stories are played out in movie, song and novel, but since the popularisation of c-mems, many humans are enthralled with the idea of living out events through memory. C-mems are hard to edit however, and so many movies and television shows are still created with the aim to pad out stories and heighten the drama.
Politically, the IPC executives prioritise the continued generation of wealth above all else. Whilst this may sometimes be more directly favouring or vetoing certain economic policies, it also involves maintaining a good public image and brand identity, meaning the IPC often try to make themselves out to be favouring sympathetic causes.
While many elections are held for positions such as Governor, these elections have abysmal voter turnout. It is the common opinion that no matter what the people may want, the Executive Committee will always get their way.
Most humans are naturally xenophilic, having lived on a world filled with a diverse number of other sentient races. It is said many humans are less xenophilic than they have been in their past however, with many developing a superiority complex after myth-building themselves as an ‘exceptional species’.
Significant Subsidiaries
YuriGowa Entertainment – The largest entertainment conglomerate in the galaxy. They have even been granted control of a star system within republic space, in which they have created state of the art schools, studios and an expansive R&D station. The media they produce is of the highest quality, but many criticise it for being soulless and synthesised, as perpetuated by the company slogan: ‘Art, as Science, as Art.’
Significant Figures
Executive Chairperson Park Seonhwa – The current presiding Executive Chairperson of the IPC. She has only been in the position for two years and is the youngest presiding Executive Chairperson ever, at the age of 44. She reportedly has a strong relationship with Senator Charles Linberg, whilst also displaying a ruthless edge in her past tenure as Governor of Neo-Nerita. Many whisper she has been installed with the fear of galactic civil war, able to be a cunning war profiteer while maintaining a youthful and idyllic image.
Chairperson Xao Yuri – The presiding chairperson of YuriGowa Entertainment. He is the most powerful chairperson, holding a seat on the executive committee, whilst also being the most tenured figure in the IPC, at the age of 82. There are some conspiracies in the galaxy that Chairperson Xao is investigating immoral methods to extend his own life.
Governor Tang Shen – The governor of Jinkyo, the largest city on Padia and the de-facto capital of the IPC. Governor Tang Shen has been in the position for 9 years and has strong popular support thanks to his efforts to crack down on corruption and crime in the city. He is not so popular in the Executive Committee however, who see him as a necessary but unfavourable ideologist. A new election is coming of for Governorship in the next year, and the Executive Committee are reportedly hoping Governor Shen’s opponent seizes victory to end his tenure.
Governor Munire Nasrid – The presiding governor of Neo-Nerita, the second largest city in Padia. She is relatively new to the position, having served for 4 years. Many criticise her for doing the bare minimum to preserve a status quo.
Senator Charles Linberg – Now one of the more famous senators of the IPC, and one of the oldest, he proposed and pushed through the Linberg Reforms. He has a reputation as a pragmatist, whilst also being a staunch pacifist. While his reforms may be seen as sinister positioning, some believe that Senator Linberg believes in true pacifism, which helped his efforts to pass the reforms.
High Admiral Phillipa Baker – Once the admiral of the IPC naval branch, Phillipa Baker proved effective enough in to position to be granted a High Admiralship in the republic. This makes her one of the leading military figures in the galaxy.
Controlled Planets/Population Centres
Padia (System: Talos) – the homeworld and capital of the IPC. Padia has a storied history and is home for the most diverse concentration of galactic species. The planet’s two largest cities are Jinkyo and Neo-Nerita, which boast enormous populations and remarkable density. Other notable cities include Apollus, once named Apollania, which is another megacity flaked on two sides by mountains, and on another by a vast lake. There is also Sunkissed City, a large city located within the Sunburnt Isles. Sunkissed City is seen as a hub of art and culture, maintaining strong roots in the unique history of the region.
Serendipity (System: Hjelle) – A continental world with high levels of geothermal activity. The planet lies within the Hjelle system, home to the Hjelle Hyper Relay. Thanks to its proximity to the relay, Serendipity has become a centre of trade and industry, whilst also being a common stop for migrants to the IPC. The many cities of Hjelle are meticulously designed to allow efficient traffic, public transport and most importantly, efficient usage of space.
Nuevo Sonora (System: Glakdia) – A prairie world covered in verdant grasslands. During the Ravenous Wars, the IPC Trooper Divisions were trained here under the watchful eye of a military legate. That tradition has continued, with Nuevo Sonora being home to the enormous Cuentra Military Base, the capital training complex for IPC Troopers. Nuevo Sonora does also boast many idyllic resorts and enormous natural sanctuaries, often only in the price range of the richest in the galaxy.
Heilos (System: Deimos) – More accurately described as a republic settlement, Heilos is a gas giant inhabited by advanced floating cities. Heilos is the capital world of the YuriGowa entertainment, with the surrounding Deimos system being their special owned territory. Heilos is seen as a fantasy by many in the galaxy, where young ambitious artists are sold dreams of reaching the eyes and ears of all within the galaxy. While Heilos looks pristine and glamourous from the outside however, a rot clings and spread through its undercities – the claustrophobic metal hells hidden beneath the surface.