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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Half-Elves


Half-Elves tend to gain benefits of both their Fae ancestry, and the ancestry of their other half.

Their Fae ancestry gives most half-elves good vision in the dark, as well as a slightly extended lifespan than most.

Whatever the other half of their ancestry may be, it generally requires half elves to sleep and rest more than Fae elves. Otherwise, it can affect their average size, build and other genetic coding from the other species.

Half-elves have average life spans of 130 stellar years. reaching adulthood at the age of 20.

Early Sapient Life

The first half-elves never had much in the way of early sapient life, being born of elves and humans that were already beginning to form the first civilisations upon Padia.

Significant Historical Events

Given they share the same homeworld, much of orcish history is weaved into that of humanity and the other Padian races. Referencing the spotlights of other Padian races may help build a clearer picture of how these races developed and grew together.

Founding of the Kingdom of Nothril, GY 5702 / 2160 PPT – When the continent of Cadronia was discovered, many people around the world migrated to the new lands in search of new fortunes. For half-elves, they found a vast forest in the south of the continent, which would be named the Winterglade. Here the Kingdom of Nothril was founded, a kingdom ruled most often by elves and half-elves that felt they did not belong in the sanctimonious society of Nythla Dorei. The Kingdom of Nothril would form a unique factional governmental system of ‘Kirals’ and ‘Republicans’ within a rudimentary parliament. While the Republicans were in power, rulers would be chosen by election. While the Kirals were in power, a founder bloodline would rule as a monarch until their death or deposition. The Kingdom of Nothril would stand for two and a half centuries, regularly coming into conflict with its neighbours, until final being absorbed into the nation of Apollania after years of war.

The Silden Massacre, GY 6274 / 2732 PPT – Marked in history as the darkest day of half-elf society, the Silden Massacre started as a riot in the historical capital of the Kingdom of Nothril, but soon turned into a bloody massacre. The riot began after months of terror attacks within the city from opposing nationalist groups. The IPC moved in troops and put the city under martial law, to which many citizens were opposed. The riots began in the central square of the city, and the IPC troops sought to cordon off the riot and use non-lethal force to dissuade the rioters. When an IPC soldier was shot, the troops open fired on the protestors. Of the 212 people killed, 175 were half-elves. After the protest, evidence was found that the initial shooter had not been a part of the riots, in fact positioned in a building overlooking the square. Many believe the shooter was a part of a human nationalist group in the area at the time. The IPC tried to sweep the massacre under the rug, but many half-elves held it up as a marker of xenophobia their people can experience from all races.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Half-elves have very little in the way of shared identity. In fact, in almost all surveys, half-elves identify as the most culturally isolated and disenfranchised peoples in the galaxy.

Most half-elves have a loathing for xenophobia, often experiencing casual xenophobia and racism from other Padian races, many of which see them as ‘half-bloods’. Whilst half-elves naturally fight against this, many also fight xenophobia against other galactic races too, even considering themselves better respected in the galactic community than they are in the domestic community.

Significant Figures

Senator Elenor Rohn – A senator of the IPC, Senator Elenor Rohn has cultivated a reputation as one of the ‘good ones’. She is often seen in the galactic senate publicly fighting for better social welfare within the galaxy, however her impassioned speeches are often cut down by oppositions pointing out the IPC ranking amongst the lowest stellar empires for social welfare. Her sceptics believe her to be a token appointment by the IPC, who know she will never create meaningful change, whilst also making them look to be making an effort on social matters.

Fennec Krast – The leader of the Crossblood pirates. The Crossblood pirates are a brutal and surprisingly well-organised pirate group made up primarily of disgruntled or opportunistic half-elves. Fennec Krast has a fearsome reputation of being both vicious and aggressive, whilst also being frighteningly intelligent.

Significant Enclaves

Xuma Base (System: Xuma) – An asteroid station located in the Xuma system, it is the most recent home base for the ‘Crossblood’ pirates. Xuma Base has been active for three galactic years and it is believed the crossbloods will already have a never base ready to migrate to if they become aware of the republic fleet approaching.

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