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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Gothar


Gothar physiology is the most similar to humans of all stellar races outside of the Padia and Faerie originating races.

The most noticeable difference most will find is the possession of several small, fang-like horns around their head which are believed to be ‘vestigial’ – meaning they no longer seem to serve a specific purpose.

There are significant and surprising differences in internal organs however. Gothar lungs possess a series of ‘secondary sacs’ that store excess oxygen left in the lung after a breath. These sacs have mostly unnoticeable effects until the Gothar is undertaking heavy exercise or other activities that require heavier breaths, at which point these secondary sacs will release oxygen into their system. This gives them slight advantages in high intensity physical tasks and allows them to hold their breath slightly longer than other species.

Another significant but simpler difference is the difference in strength with humans. Gothar muscles tend to posses semi-metallic fibres similar to aluminium that provide a foundation of toughness to the muscle. This allows their muscles to contract and tense for longer periods, allowing them to function slightly above their expected capacity.

Gothar have average life spans of 95 stellar years and reach adulthood at the age of 19.

Early Sapient Life

Living on the alpine world of Ux’Kall, early sapient Gothar collected themselves into tribal societies. These tribal societies would be administered and led by the hunters of the tribe, often Gothar men and women between the ages of 25 and 40.

While anthropocentric thinkers may expects females of the species to be weaker than males, that is not the case. Because of this, early sapient life in hunter-gatherer societies did not establish patriarchal dominance. In actual fact, female hunters in the tribe would often becomes more influential during pregnancy, when more time would be spent with the tribe.

Due to the lack of soil fertility on their world, farming societies as we would recognise them never became common. Animal husbandry and herding livestock however did become common and allowed for more steady population growth. Eventually tribes began to merge in order to more effectively control livestock populations and to share in food, reproduction and recreation.

Significant Historical Events

In'Shid Period, GY 3231-3253 - While it cannot be confirmed, it is believed that Gothar always had the ability to tap into Chaos and control the arcane. There are some notable historians however that point to a several decade period in their people’s history known as the In’Shid Period, in which their society made significant advancement thanks to the use of their arcane power. It is the first explicitly stated time that arcane ability is mentioned within their legends and history and so is thought by many to be a time Gothar either unlocked their latent ability, or that Chaos had previously been locked off to their people.

The Onak Dal Period, GY 5345-5412 - The Onak Dal period was one of the most significant periods in shaping Gothar society. Roughly translating to the ‘Many Wars’ period, it was started as a series of rebellions of traditional tribal republic against centralised dictatorships and monarchies that had emerged over time. While it started this way, it created a time of total warfare and after rebellions were either successful or supressed, nations turned on one another in an attempt to establish their controlling ideology. By the end of the Onak Dal period, the republicans had won, but significant damage had been done to nations’ economies, populations and food supplies.

Sergeak Period, GY 5413-5484 - After the Onak Dal period came the Sergeak period (roughly translating to revitalisation). This period saw a lengthy time of peace and collaboration that created a more unified Gothar identity. Much of the military industry and technological advancement that came in the Onak Dal period found domestic adaptions and uses that allowed great progress to be made.

Establishment of the Free Nations of the Gothar, GY 6379-6391 - Unlike many stellar empires, the Gothar people formed a unified government many years before embarking on their journey into the stars. It was not entirely done without celestial influence however. As their society advanced and evolved, they began to monitor the stars and skies and found evidence they were not alone in the galaxy. Recognising a clear technological advantage of their stellar neighbours, the Gothar unified into a single ‘citizen republic’ which could better organise a strong economy and, if the situation required it, a singular ground defence. Nations still held autonomy within the republic, leading to it being named he ‘Free Nations of the Gothar’ Fortunately, the ground defence would never be called into action. (GY 6379-6391)

The Great Leap, GY 6592-6611 - The Free Nations of the Gothar received upliftment into the Galactic High Republic, being provided a ‘great leap’ in technology and stellar education over a two decade period. At the end of the period they formally joined the Galactic High Republic, possessing the smallest number of seats in the senate. They were granted borders that would allow them to settle new colonies and self-sustain.


The Gothar ‘citizen republic’ allows any full Gothar citizen to acquire political or military office by running in elections or applying for the position. To become a full citizen however, a Gothar must undertake 5 years of military service.

For most people military service entails two years of training in military academies, then three years of active service in the navy or militia guard. For Gothar unfit for service, their service can be achieved by working as military engineers, scientists or doctors.

Most Gothar begin their military service at the age of 17, receiving the training before entering active service as they become adults. This means military service often shapes a key period of social and physical development for the Gothar. It is perhaps for this reason that many Gothar extend their military service even after they have gained full citizenship.

Whilst it is shunned for Gothar to shirk military service, it is not strictly illegal. Despite this however, most Gothar that do choose to avoid military service put themselves into exile and migrate away from their home. While wanting to avoid the military life at home, many of these exiles still find it in the galaxy, being employed as mercenaries or living lives of bounty hunting thanks to the natural advantages provided by their genetics.

Lesser talked about amongst the Gothar is the shadowy ‘Datho Family’. A criminal syndicate that are thought to hold significant influence and power, many in the galaxy are suspicious that the Free Nations of the Gothar do not move against the organisation due to the Datho Family working for the advancement of their people. What the Free Nations of the Gothar cannot do on a political stage, the Datho Family can influence in the black markets and criminal underworld of the galaxy.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Whilst there will be differences of opinions, most Gothar are militarists that believe in protecting liberty and true republicanism.

Thanks to these beliefs, the Gothar hold strong opinions within the Galactic High Republic, which they believe needs wholesale reform to remove the corruption and tyranny present at its highest levels. After being pushed back at every turn, the Gothar are founders of the ‘Galactic Separatist Movement’, wanting greater autonomy and even independence.

In recent times, the fervour of the Galactic Separatist Movement and the strict opposition it has been receiving within the republic is causing many fears over the breakout of a civil war. Some of the extremists on both sides have already undertaken acts of terrorism and political violence and the situation is volatile.

Significant Figures

Vu’Mon Dwo – The current ‘Leading Speaker’ of the Free Nations of the Gothar. She is a hard to read figure that walks a tightrope of trying to empower the Galactic Separatist Movement whilst maintaining necessary political favour within the republic.

Ux’Chi Kett - The head of the admiralty, she has the reputation of fierce warlords of old that apply a decisive and ruthless approach to tactics and organisation.

Uxar Gol – A political extremist declared as an enemy of the republic in the last year after staging a terror attack on the republic’s capital world of Caesium. He has since gone into hiding, but he is a divisive figure that holds as many supporters as enemies.

Controlled Planets/Population Centres

Ux’Kall (System: Ux) – the homeworld and capital of the Free Nations of the Gothar. It is a harsh alpine world but houses many built up urban centres that provide luxury and protection from the harsh land.

Rallea (System: Niffra) – a gorgeous planet of natural beauty, it is the most populous of the Gothar colonies and the one that has the most presence of foreign species. The planet also is home to a rift held in stasis, thought to be from the time of The Ravaging.

Vuuna (System: Tromria) – a lanthanide world possessing large natural ring mountains. It is a striking world but is not the most pleasant of places, also harbouring a naturally dense atmosphere that makes the world darker and its inhabitants a little more lethargic.

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