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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Fiend-Bloods


Fiend-Bloods perhaps could not strictly be categorised into one homogenous species, however colloquially and politically, they have been.

Fiend-bloods are born of mortals who coupled with either demons or devils of old. Depending on their ancestry, not only may fiend-bloods be more associated with the Abyss or the Hells, but they also may have wildly varied physiology.

Some of the more common fiend-bloods in the galaxy are descended from demons, from pairings of mortals with succubi and incubi. There are plenty descended from large and monstrous creatures. There are even extremely rare fiend-bloods descended from an unholy pairing of demon or devil with an angelkin. All of this means establishing an average age, height and weight and physical description for fiend-bloods is a hard task.

On that note, Fiend-Bloods have average life spans ranging from 93-125 stellar years. reaching adulthood around the age of 20.

Early Sapient Life

Very little is known of early sapience for fiend-bloods, however their parentage would imply they may be born into one pre-existing society or another, meaning there was likely no early sapient period.

Significant Historical Events

Yldari Hellish Pact, GY 2866-2871 – A rarely documented period of time, during the height of the Yldari dark ages, when Yldari population was plummeting, devils from the hells made their way onto their homeworld of Koros. It is thought this was done through the use of arcane gateways, though the event is so poorly documented that it cannot be said for certain. Either way, these devils, seeing the Yldari population is such a vulnerable positions, made a pact with them, offering their women as wives and concubines to many Yldar. The Yldar, a mono-gendered masculine species, took the opportunity. It was of course a trick, almost all the devils gave birth to fiend-bloods with extremely potent arcane power, before returning to the Hells with the babes and sealing the gateways behind them.

Abyssal Incursions of Padia, GY 3873-4110 – For over two centuries, demons of the Abyss flooded into the continent of Xiunan on the planet of Padia in a series of incursions. This time period is thought to be one of the most significant population booms of the fiend-blood population as many humans were seduced by demons, with some even traversing the arcane gateways to the Abyss.

Conquest of the Hells, GY 5666-5729 – As the convergence came to an end, the zenith of the Padian Age of Heroes, a whole new dynamic was playing out elsewhere. The dragon Tyrai, sealed in the Hells, had made a pact with demons and, in exchange for his freedom, opened arcane entryways into the Nine Hells. The true conquest of the Hells began at that time. Demons poured into the Hells in their millions, overwhelming the unsuspecting devils and thought to even fell the wounded overlord of the Hells, Asmodeus. Record of this comes from a single source, from the old Vhemm Empire, who claimed devilish refugees fled to their lands after the eventual bloody fall of the Nine Hells. The Vhemm killed the devils, thus eradicating any further information or proof on the matter. If the Nine Hells were conquered by the Abyss, the catastrophic shift in balance of the warring trinity of the Abyss, Hells and Heavens would likely have put severe pressure on the gods and been a major contributing factor to the start of the Celestial Wars.

The Celestial Wars, GY 5747-5853 – There have been no recorded incursions since the Celestial Wars, nor has any trace of either the Abyss or the Nine Hells been found. Scholars do not know for sure, but it is thought that during the celestial wars, the forces of the Abyss, victorious over the Nine Hells, tried to overthrow the gods and become a dominant force in the galaxy. Their lack of presence in the galaxy since would imply they were defeated. The lack of substantial evidence however, means this theory can only sit as a theory, for now.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Fiend-bloods have strictly no shared values or beliefs.

A fiend-blood’s outlook on their world will almost entirely be based on their own life experience, not necessarily on their ancestry or heritage. Of course, some may try to adopt their heritage into their personality and ideals, but this is not a trend.

Many wrongly think fiend-bloods are amoral and largely evil beings, thanks to their heritages, however this is sheer conjecture, and has no measurable grounding in fact.

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