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  • Writer's pictureKay Purnell

Species Spotlight: Draconids


Draconids are a fascinating species thought to be born of the old dragons of Padia.

Like dragons, draconics have dry scaly skin as well as special glands within their mouth that allow them to intermittently produce a strong elemental breath. They also possess great physical bulk and a naturally large size.

Draconids tend to have quite short lifespans, thought to be due to the draconic augments putting a strain on their system.

Whilst in their society, the question of if a draconid had a tail or not was used for political and racial subjugation, in actuality the distinction makes little difference. Draconid’s tails are not particularly powerful, in fact they can be quite frail, meaning they have very little use as an appendage and possessing a tail or not has never established a clear evolutionary advantage.

Dwarves have average life spans of 68 stellar years. reaching adulthood at the age of 16.

Early Sapient Life

Draconids spent much of their early days are a servile race to the dragon princes that once dominated the Dragonlands upon the continent of Atas. Over time however, as they grew in number, many draconids began to move into other societies, or living under less dictatorial dragon princes. This unique introduction to society meant draconids never possessed a distinct tribal era.

Significant Historical Events

Given they share the same homeworld, much of draconid history is weaved into that of humanity and the other Padian races. Referencing the spotlights of other Padian races may help build a clearer picture of how these races developed and grew together.

Destruction of the Dragonlands, GY 5077 / 1535 PPT – The devastating eruption of the desolate isle volcano had the most immediately stark impact upon the Dragonlands, which were shattered, with over two thirds of the large peninsula collapsing into the sea. This devastation left one centralised city on the peninsula, Azuros. The city’s dragon prince went missing, presumed dead, after The End War, and so it was the draconids that flocked to the city and founded their own new monarchy. In time, the monarchy would collapse after no legitimate heir could claim the throne. After that, the Duchy of Azuros was founded as a theocracy.

Founding of the Donokirr State, GY 5665 / 2123 PPT – Over the centuries, religious and political doctrine drove a wedge between draconids with tails, who were in power and referred to themselves as ‘Donokirr’ – roughly translating to ‘blessed one’, and those without tails, who were named ‘Amakor’ – roughly translating to ‘unworthy’. By the time the Duchy of Azuros reformed into the Donokirr State, the Amakor lived like slaves, kept in an enormous ravine known as ‘the Underdirt’. The Donokirr State formalised this position in society, removing Amakor rights completely and giving free and immoral reign to the Donokirr.

War with the Neritan Empire, GY 5665-5672 / 2123-2130 PPT - After a now infamous Amakor, Amyse Nyathal, rose to be a baroness, and then Grand Marshal within the Neritan Empire, she led the empire against the Donokirr State in an emancipation war. The war was long and interrupted greatly by events of the convergence, but after many years Nerita gained a foothold on the peninsula and conquered their way to Azuros. After the war, the Duchy of Azuros became a vassal state of the empire, and much work was done repairing Donokirr and Amakor relations and rebuilding a new, singular draconid identity. After well over a century, the words ‘Donokirr’ and ‘Amakor’ became an unspoken taboo, and ‘Draconid’ became a singular identity for draconid peoples. To this day, the words Donokirr and Amakor are seen as insulting and archaic.

Desolation during the War for the World, GY 6220-6252 / 2678-2710 PPT – The War for the World saw widescale destruction across Padia, but Atas was the continent that saw the fiercest fighting. Within Atas, it was the old Dragonlands that saw some of the most devastating destruction. The autocratic draconid state of Axur was one of the leading members of the Anchorage faction, and a primary target for first the Collectivists and then much later the Pusan corporation. The fighting with the Collectivists saw much back and forth over the rapidly degrading land, but it was when the Pusan Corporation turned their ire to the region that the worst destruction came. The mega-corporation carpet bombed much of the region, seeing it as more as an obstacle than a region of value and bounty. Regular bombing campaigns were carried out over the course of a full year, with it rumoured that Axur surrendered within three months, if the rumour is true, the Pusan Corporation ignored the surrender, desolating the region before finally walking in the troops to declare their victory. The devastation of the war still arguably has effects on draconid populations to this day. Already a short lived species, often politically and culturally isolated, draconids are one of the smallest sentient populations within the entire galaxy.

Shared Values/Beliefs

Draconids have a long and complex history, with many of their independent regimes delving into autocracy and discrimination. This is not perhaps reflective of the average draconid’s views however.

Most draconids are fiercely proud of those of their species that find their way into the history books, especially those that fight for the independence, freedom and unification of their people. By far their greatest icon is Grand Marshall Amyse Nyathal, who many draconids see as the first ‘true’ draconid, representing a strong moral foundation, whilst also possessing a strong identity and self-made independence.

Within galactic matters, draconids are incredibly underrepresented, leading to many draconids becoming jaded and turning to life as pirates or amoral mercenaries.

Significant Figures

Khazz Chainbreaker – The leader of the New Axur pirates, Khazz Chainbreaker is seen as one of the fiercest pirates in the galaxy. Beyond this ferocity however, Khazz is also a remarkable orator, which is seen as one of the main reasons the New Axur pirates have been able to build up a significant force and powerbase.

Significant Enclaves

New Axur Station (System: Vharna) – One of the only Padian species enclaves outside of republic space, the New Axur Station in the system of Vharna is the home of the pirate collective of the same name. Blatantly harking back to the old wartime autocracy, New Axur pirates are dogmatic and warlike, often raiding into the trade and migration ships passing through the Hjelle system. As much as the pirates act immorally, many draconids do see them as a symbol of independence and agency.

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