A sentient ‘plantoid’ lifeform, the Belmacosa posses a starkly different physiology than the humanoids that make up the majority of intelligent galactic species.
Most starkly, the Belmacosa do not possess conventional sight. Instead, Belmacosa use pollen patterns and the expulsion of hyper-sensitive spores to create an internalised map of their immediate surroundings. Whilst this does significantly hamper their sensory range, it can allow them to detect hidden lifeforms and objects with greater ease.
A Belmacosa’s tissue is made of plant matter, along with fur-like fibres used to heighten their sense of touch. Whilst many in the galaxy assume a frailty in constitution thanks to this differing composition, Belmacosa are found to have hardier bodies than most humans.
A Belmacosa produces sound through a vocal tract similar to many organics. The absence of a more conventional mouth with lips and teeth does lead to them struggling to form many sounds. As such, their speech produces many hissing and moaning sounds. Their native language, Belm, is a fascinating one that uses spores with different scents, vibrancy and density in order to communicate meaning and sensation.
Belmacosa do have arms, however they are weak, frail and clumsy. Items most humanoids would find wieldy and able to be used in a single hand are the height of what a Belmacosa can use, requiring both their hands.
Belmacosa have been observed to have a more natural affinity for magic. There has been much speculation for this throughout the galaxy. Whilst many believe it is due to a harmony with the magical floating island world of Belm, others believe it could be an natural infusion of the Hylar chemical, the same chemical used in making Medigel, and exclusively produced on their homeworld of Belmacosa Prime.
Belmacosa live relatively short lifespans, with their age also playing a role within their name.
From ages 0-7 Belmacosa are ‘Sprouting’, essentially in the early developmental stages of childhood.
From age 8-15, Belmacosa are considered ‘Blooming’, in a stage pre-maturity in which the their minds are more susceptible to learning about the galaxy around them.
From age 16-26 Belmacosa are titled ‘Laurel’ and considered to be at the age of maturity, ready to explore and thrive while they have their greatest vitality.
From age 27-38 Belmacosa are titled ‘Rhizome’ and are expected to find their roots and settle within a career.
From age 39-56 Belmacosa are titled ‘Bronze’. In this stage of life, their motor functions begin to slow and their skin stiffen as they age. This is the age most Belmacosa raise children.
From age 57+ Belmacosa are considered ‘Rooted’. Essentially the elderly, they retire from work and often find a pleasant climate to live out their elder years.
The life expectancy for Belmacosa is 64 years, with the occasional few making it to 70.
Early Sapient Life
The Belmacosa are unique amongst the stellar races for not having much of an early sapience period.
The Belmacosa were uplifted into sapience by the Yldar High Republic during the Great Coalition War and soon introduced and educated in the ways of the interstellar life they were introduced to.
Significant Historical Events
Upliftment, GY 6400 - The Belmacosa were uplifted during the Great Coalition War. Over the course of a decade they were assimilated into interstellar life and their homeworld of Belmacosa Prime was colonised with research stations and gas extraction labs from all members of the coalition. Soon after, the first Medigel was synthesised using the Hylar chemical, representing a significant breakthrough in the war.
Colonisation of Gerolium, GY 7069 - The Belmacosa have only ever colonised one other planet, that being the planet Gerolium in the Subtranius system. A relatively recent development, it represented a significant expansion on the behalf of the Belmacosa. Gerolium is a mesa world that not only has some small traces of Hylar gas, but also has a new element, a liquid metal named Synprox. Much study is currently devoted to what this new, rare element could be used for.
A mostly passive people, the Belmacosa style themselves as a ‘Conscientious Republic’, the Harmonious Belmacosa Mandate. Much of the role of the government is to ensure neutrality and to maintain and control the monopoly on Hylar gas.
Thanks to the necessity of Hylar gas, which is exclusively produced in Belmacosa space and produced on a galactic scale on Hylar-rich Belmacosa Prime, the Harmonious Belmacosa Mandate are afforded many guarantees and privileges within republic law. The Belmacosa are even favoured by most non-republic empires, even those that would consider themselves enemies of the republic.
Shared Values/Beliefs
Most Belmacosa find themselves to be pacifists, not wishing for undue conflict within the galaxy, and certainly not any widescale.
Whilst the Belmacosa abstain from much republican politics, they are extremely vocal in the matter of conservationism, which the fiercely support and protect. Perhaps feeling a closer bond to the natural world, Belmacosa look to speak on its behalf.
Significant Figures
Bronze Riabell – The current President of the Harmonious Belmacosa Mandate. She is a well respected and has the reputation of a gentle leader.
Controlled Planets/Population Centres
Belmacosa Prime (System: Belm) – The homeworld of the Belmacosa. It is made up of enormous floating islands, many of which are bridged by strong plant-like roots. The surface far below these islands is primal and toxic, however also possesses many large gas vents that produce massive amounts of Hylar gas.
Gerolium (System: Subtranius) – The only other colony of the Belmacosa. A mesa world still very sparsely populated, it is mainly occupied by scientists and miners extracting and studying the new element, Synprox.