Angelkin are very similar to humans, except for a few notable differences.
The most striking of these is their angelic wings, which are unique in all known organic species. The wings are elegant and naturally grant the angelkin far greater mobility.
Another more ambiguous element of angelkin physiology is their ability to summon potent restorative abilities, which can be used to heal their own wounds, or others. Little is scientifically known about this ability, but it is theorised to be a precise channelling of Chaos genetically coded into them when they were thought to be created, or augmented, by the gods. This restorative power also seems to grant them a somewhat extended life.
While angelkin can reproduce similar to humans, their genes seem to be extremely passive, with a roughly 1 in 10 chance of a child with an angelkin parent being and angelkin themselves. Because of this, and perhaps their mysterious origin, angelkin are the least populous known sentient race in the galaxy.
Angelkin have average life spans of 120 stellar years. reaching adulthood at the age of 19.
Origin Theories
There are two schools of thought about how angelkin came to be.
The first follows the implication of their name, that the first angelkin were born of a paring of humans and angels, explaining why they can be so similar to humans, while inheriting angelic qualities. Whilst this makes the most sense for their physiology, there has been no notable record of interactions between humans and angels throughout history, so for this theory to be held true, one must also believe there was some portion of human history with such unrecorded events.
The second school of thought is that the first angelkin were not naturally born, but created, either through arcane methods only the gods ever knew how to control, or through a process such as genetic tailoring and cloning. This theory dictates that the angelkin were created as the arm of the heavens, being able to be created at less cost than conventional angels and other celestial beings. The once eternal war of the trinity, between the heavens, hells and the abyss, would certainly give reason for such a thing.
Significant Historical Events
While there has been sparing mention across the galaxy of angelkin, there has never been a shared history that angelkin seem to possess, or at least know. Most angelkin at the time of the gods seemed to believe themselves to be avatars of the heavens, however often seemed to have vague and undefined goals to help the poor and needing.
With their clearly close tie to the heavens, there was one historical event that may have greatly impacted their life and fate:
The Celestial Wars & The Ravaging, GY 5747-5896 – In the Celestial Wars, gods are thought to have turned on one another and fought in calamitous battles for the heavens. After these wars left them disjointed and weakened, The Ravaging, an uprising of old mortal stellar empires, was thought to finish them off. The destruction of the heavens, gods and their godly realms, wherever they may have been, would surely have been a significant turning point in the fate of the angelkin.
Shared Values/Beliefs
For many, the angelkin are seen as lost souls, bygones of a different time now abandoned to wander the galaxy in relative isolation. A single angelkin is likely to meet very few others like them in their lifetime, making such chance encounters special.
Despite what could be perceived as a personal isolation, most angelkin do try to ingrain themselves in societies, often those needing medical or supportive aid. They often have strong moral values of good and evil, making those righteous few who do take up arms fierce idealistic with an unshakable faith in their objectives.