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  • Phillipa East

North Gulf: The Criminal Home Away from Home


A recent census analysis has revealed North Gulf to be the IPC sector with the highest amount of criminal migration and with the lowest census turnout compared to expected numbers.

This revelation comes as little shock to locals of Serendipity’s frozen district, with its capital, North Gulf City, playing host to an influential street racing scene, and its wastes still in large parts unmonitored and not surveyed. This makes it an ideal location for criminal outposts, outcast nests and any individual wanting to hide from the galaxy.

Nonetheless this is concerning news for many. With Serendipity’s location in the Hjelle system, home to the Hjelle Hyper Relay, it is perhaps one of the busiest sectors in the galaxy. In the past, the IPC has appealed to the Republic Senate for better defence and security funding for the system, which has seen constant criminal leaks slipping through administrative cracks.

This census analysis has even drawn popular bounty hunter Enoch Cargrove to North Gulf, with paparazzi snatching pictures of the debonaire death dealer passing through North Gulf City’s Skarpeak Airport. Who Enoch may be hunting now is unknown, but is unlikely he is visiting the city for a holiday.

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